One moment in time live
One moment in time live

One moment in time live full#

As we sail along the ship of Life, may we remember that the winds often guide us to our destination and the storms only come to make our voyage even more adventurous, while the rain clears the cloud so that we may gaze at the full glory of the sky above, with a perfect smile through a voyage of imperfect moments of forever's shine.Īnd so as we keep turning the pages of Life, may we remember to wear that Smile, through every leaf of Life, for Life is rooted in the blooming foliage of its imperfect perfection.Historically, the transition into management has been an under-supported step in the professional journey, with learning and development resources typically focused on more experienced leaders. As we drive through a dark night, may we halt for a moment and watch for the stars, the smile of the very stars of gratitude and love that is always there even in the darkest sky of the gloomiest night. So as we walk through difficult times, may we realise that this sunset is not forever's and that the winter often makes us more aware of the spring. But that is what Life is all about, a bunch of imperfect moments to smile as perfect memories sailing through the potholes of Life, because a straight line even in the world of science means death, after all monotony of perfection is the most cold imperfection. The best part of this walk is that it is never a straight line, but is always filled with curves and turns, making us aware of our spirit, laughing loud at times while mourning deep at times. In the same manner, we have to keep walking through Life, as each and every step of ours leads us to the destination of our Life, the destination of peace, the destination of knowledge of self. We cannot skip pages of a book because each line contains just so much to seep in, and to have the story fully lived inside our heart and soul we have to keep reading until the very end to feel that sense of peaceful happiness, that always clutches us no matter how the ending is drafted. Because just like a story, nothing in Life is really concrete without patience. So is Life, in all those moments of sunset we have the hope of the following sunrise, and if we may wait and absorb all that crumbling ray of that sunset we would be able to paint our sunrise with even more crimson smile. The scorching heat that chokes us often makes us wait more eagerly for that balm of rain. A clear sky is always beautiful but what if we never have rain or storm? Sunshine is always wonderful but what if we never have the soothing dusk or the cold night to coil in our own misty self? Storms that come to jolt us often leave us with more courage as we sail along the gust to chase a silver lining. I have come to see how Life is beautiful in all its colours, more so because the shades of grey bind them and paint them with even more radiance. “Finally, I have come to realise that an imperfect Life is actually the most perfect Life. I miss a wandering soul, who went on filling her breath with life of eternal love in the wings of Life.Īnd I'll tell you now when I look back I see how wonderful Time has treated me and how grateful I am to have lived in moments that roar of a beautiful Life lived with a heart throbbing to take a leap once again in that ocean of Life's beguiling journey.” I miss that stranger listening to my heart and telling me how beautiful it is. I miss that night where I lay back on a distant balcony gazing at the solitary moon for hours knowing that it is shining at my homeland just as bright. I miss that child running up to me in a crowd of unknown faces to hand me her candy. I miss that hand of an old woman trying to tell me her story. I miss that symphony of mad evenings ending in a sky full of stars to fill my soul with an unknown ecstasy. I miss the stranger smiling at me from a corner and teaching me his language to smile at my twinkled happiness. I miss the muse I saw dance in a foreign land of near heart. I miss the afternoon tea that followed my pen to hours of happy melancholy. I miss the coffee that scented like mist in a frozen dream in a land of strange beauty. I miss the walk that I took in the narrow cobblestoned pathways that fumed of history and undying stories of love and loss. I miss that throbbing heart telling me to take a leap when the sky looks too dark.

One moment in time live